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Bardamal, Goalpara, assam 783120

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  • My Background

    I am Binod Rabha and my nikename is toya rabha. I am taking ITI course after studyng till twelve class, I am learning Computer Operator and Programming Assistant of South Salmara, Dhubri, Assam. I have dreams to become good Professional web designing and good Programming in future. That's why I am learning web designing with the help of ITI, Google and YouTube.

  • Web Developer

    A good text-editor like Sublime-text, Notepad++, Visual Studio Code, Atom. Personally, I find myself more productive on Sublime Text. It has a lot of plugins and code snippets. There are tonnes of learning platforms available on the internet. You just need to google. Free Code Camp, Code Academy, GeeksforGeeks, Udacity, Udemy etc. Getting yourself involved in the programming community through meetups, Codepen, Cloud9. More practice on online platforms like Hackerrank, Coding Ninjas and reading about your field of programming. A thirst to learn new techniques and libraries for making your code more efficient and readable. Thebeauty of programming lies in the fact that a lot of people already went through the struggles you are facing or will face in the future. So, you should be able to find hints on how to tackle those nasty bugs in your code from the resources like Stack Overflow, Stack Exchange, Github and many more. You also need Patience to stick to the same problem you are unable to compile for the last one hour and search for that error and finally run your program. You need to be disciplined to continue learning each day without taking leaves. The Never give up spirit even though you have tried to compile the program 20 times. Only a programmer knows the happiness of running a program and getting the correct output after hours of struggle. You need to make Progress each day even if it is 0.001%. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to be a decent programmer!!

  • My Address

    Vil: Darani, PO: Bardamal, PS: Agia, Dist: Goalpara, State: Assam(783120) India.